crafts – KuyasaCDM Urban Self Sufficiency Wed, 11 Jul 2018 20:43:34 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Multi needle Vs single needle home embroidery machines Mon, 05 Jun 2017 21:44:45 +0000 Read more]]> If you are a sewing enthusiast, then you should definitely consider yourself lucky for having a wide choice for the home embroidery machines. Previously, multiple needles were only available for large-scale productions. However, today you can have it even for domestic uses. Before deciding on which one to get for yourself, it is mandatory that you know what are the specialties and drawbacks of both. This will give you a clearer understanding of both the home embroidery machines and also help understand the versatility of using them at home.

1. Single needle machine

Single needle machines look almost traditional. They have a flatbed and come with removable embroidery units, making them applicable for normal utility sewing as well as computerized embroidery. Many of these machines are designed to be smart and user-friendly so that they can be easily alternated for decorative and normal sewing.

Single needle machines usually have the needle, bobbin, and thread all in one head. These are kept stationary while the fabric is moved under it. The machine can either be run manually or set with predetermined orders depending on the length of the fabric and the style of embroidery.


  • The single needle machines are very affordable, readily available and give a great finishing.

  • Since they are controlled by a computerized program, they run very precisely, giving just the desired result.

  • You will also get to choose from a wide range of design options.


  • This type of machine may be impractical if you are deciding to undertake sewing for commercial purposes.

  • It would be very hectic and time-consuming to frequently change the differently colored threads.

  • It is also not sensible to devote such a long time to one single garment.

2. Multiple needle threads

Home embroidery machines with multiple needles make sewing more fun and allow you to experiment with more complex and challenging designs. The number of needles may vary from four to ten. You can use the needles for threads of different colors and textures. As you continue your embroidery, you will not be frequently required to pause and change threads. This will make the entire process smoother and faster.


  • Very convenient for multi-color designs.

  • They are also practical for commercial use.


The only disadvantage is that these machines are comparatively more expensive than the single needle machines. However, they are worth the investment.


The multiple threaded home embroidery machines are best suited for people who take sewing more seriously. It is also ideal if you are looking for channels to commercialize your skills. Since the multiple threaded machines are more of an investment, you should definitely consider your dedication to the trade before you buy it.

Single threaded machines are very practical. They can be used for embroidery as well as normal utility sewing. These machines are best suited for people who only resort to sewing when the situation demands. These are also more appropriate for beginners making a venture into sewing.

Read more about many different types of monogram home embroidery machines.

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The Hobby of Beekeeping Has Sweet Rewards Sun, 07 May 2017 11:26:01 +0000 Read more]]> The beekeeping is a nice hobby and business as well. The returns of the beekeeping is enormous in terms of rewards. Therefore, if you are planning for beekeeping, then don’t delay and do it today. The beekeeping is not much difficult but would require you to have some trainings. The basic training is all about the process of beekeeping till acquiring honey. The beekeeping and gardening goes side by side. For instance, if you have garden then beekeeping is an easy task for you. This is because the bees are always seeking nectar from nearby flowers to make honey. When you have flowers near you then beekeeping becomes more profitable hobby or business.

The Beekeeping in Today’s Era

Beekeeping is a hot topic these days. Some people are adopting beekeeping for business while others are adopting it as a hobby. Beekeeping has enormous following and is adopted on national and international levels. Even there are some companies exporting natural honey to various countries. This a very good sign for the beekeepers as the honey is being exported as well. Young entrepreneur can start their own business of beekeeping and start exporting it as well.

The Challenges in Beekeeping

One major challenge for beekeeping that is being faced since last decade is alarming increase in the occurrence of colony collapse disorder. One of the other challenges is not having the up to dated beekeeping equipment. During the winter season it is really difficult to keep bees safeguarded from different diseases and keeping them safe is also a challenge. Therefore, some experience is needed before you opt the hobby of beekeeping right away.

Best Way of Getting Started for Beekeeping

The best way to start beekeeping is taking classes in some local institute. Either you can contact the beekeeping experts and ask them the information of beekeeping. Don’t forget to ask the experts about the equipment required for safety and for acquiring honey like manual or electric honey extractor. Also books on the beekeeping are helpful and must read. There are hundreds of books available on beekeeping that you can study and get knowledge. You have to know the crucks of the beekeeping before you start it as a profession or hobby.

Can Beekeeping be Right for you?

The answer to the question whether beekeeping be right for you or not is very simple. First of all you have to have knowledge of the bee keeping. When you have sufficient knowledge then take your time and decide whether you should go for it or not. Now there are some rules and regulations applied to the beekeeping. For example, you cannot do beekeeping in public place, you have to sit in a remote place where there is not population. This is because the honey bees might be dangerous for the general public sometimes. Especially by the time you get honey from the hives. The second rule is that you must have adequate knowledge of beekeeping. You cannot start away on your own. You have to seek permissions from the higher authorities. Once you get answer to the questions in positive aspect, you should opt for beekeeping instantly.

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Benefits of having a CNC wood carving machine Thu, 13 Apr 2017 07:31:39 +0000 Read more]]> CNC is the abbreviation for Computer Numerical Control. CNC machines are those that are run by the computer-generated codes that are fed into the controlling unit of a machine. These machines can process several codes in a sequence so that each segment of the work is divided accordingly. Unlike the NC machines which take in punch cards, CNC machines can be fed with programs written by the user and these instructions can even be changed over time.

Check out the first part of the video series DIY Arduino CNC Router Cutter Welder


CNC wood carving machines can even be made at home using tools such as aluminum U channels, threaded rods, long nuts, bearings, acrylic boards and a controlling unit. Although a diy cnc machine can be used for a number of purposes, it is mostly used for fabricating raw materials by selective removal of different components. The versatility offered by these machines has also led to it being called as a soft-wired numeric control machine.

Now here are some of the reasons why building your own cnc machine may be a good idea.


1. These machines can be used for 24 hours a day. They are very low maintenance as well as cost effective. You can only switch them off for a few hours so as to decelerate wearing off.
2. Cnc machine can be programmed so as to give exactly the required output. This allows for increased accuracy and positional precision while the work is being done. You can also have them repeat the same task over and over again by forming loops.
3. Even a homemade cnc router can offer a high degree of quality and reusability when it comes to the different functions that it can be programmed for.
4. It will act as the perfect trial for an awaited design. If the machine starts performing as expected, you can then have other copies made in the same fashion. So basically, it is a cost-effective and risk-free way of trying out receptivity of different orders given to the machine.
5. If you are running any kind of small scale carpentry industries, then these machines can be a great help. They can take care of the given job with high accuracy and also do not need training time. You will be able to increase the speed of manufacturing and also save time as well as money. However, the greatest advantage is that you do not have to deal with the mistakes that come with less skilled labors.
6. Once the machines are programmed, they can be left to themselves. Hardly any assistance is needed except to change the programs/settings and switching the power on and off.
7. There are no computational errors associated with home-made CNC wood routers. Once you learn the basics, these are very easy to operate. You will also not be required to frequently inspect the parts.
8. You can have it programmed for different settings. Once they are put to work, they give maximum output with zero time delay and operator fatigue. You can also freely interrupt to check while the machine is the middle of some activity.

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Kuyasa CDM Pilot Project Sun, 12 Mar 2017 10:32:48 +0000 Read more]]> The Kuyasa CDM Pilot Project involves the retrofitting of solar water heater (SWHs), insulated ceilings and energy efficient lighting in over 2 300 low-cost homes in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa. The project will see an immediate impact on the social, health and economic well-being of the targeted beneficiaries.

Kuyasa is South Africa’s first internationally registered Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) project under the Kyoto Protocol on climate change and was the first Gold Standard Project to be registered in the world. The project has generated substantial interest locally and internationally as a pilot for the energy-efficient adaptation of South African low-cost housing..

The Kuyasa project was developed by the nongovernmental organisation (NGO) SouthSouthNorth (SSN) for the City of Cape Town’s Environmental Resource Management Department and Urban Renewal Programme. Ten pilot houses were adapted in 2005, providing the practical data for an efficiency measuring system.

With funding from the Department of Environment and Tourism’s (DEAT’s), Social Responsibility Programme and Provincial Government’s Department of Housing, the retrofitting of 2,300 houses in Kuyasa, Khayelitsha started in August 2008 and was completed in October 2010.

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